
Give us your best ideas!

Product relations should be sortable

As an editor or product administrator, it would be helpful if I could sort the related products I've connected to a product.

This would provide me with the possibility to control in what order the customer sees the products to make sure the right products are at the right position.

  • Nils Nyman
  • Jul 7 2020
  • Not right now
  • Attach files
  • Michael Nattfalk commented
    28 Sep, 2024 12:52pm

    We have had a couple of different customercases where this would have been a good feature to have in standard Litium. We needed to build some custom handling in order to meet the customer requirements.

  • Patrik Jönsson commented
    28 Apr, 2022 08:59am

    Do Litium have a plan when this will be possible?

  • Anders Horvath commented
    26 Apr, 2022 07:51pm

    A solution would be to create a text field with the articlenumbers, semi-colon separated to be used insted of the relationship field, feels like the same as the relationship but with sort order control

  • elvir dzeko commented
    13 Dec, 2021 03:35pm

    Our customer has also expressed desire for this feature to exist as they feel it should be possible to sort more interesting products first

  • Anders Horvath commented
    7 Dec, 2021 07:53am

    Abslolutly neccessary, what accessories that are most sold or most wanted by consumer is required. other means of sorting as most sold could also be helpfull.

  • Patrik Jönsson commented
    7 Dec, 2021 07:38am

    For our business, the sorting function is extremely important, so if you can prioritize this, we would be grateful

  • Italo Cotta commented
    15 Jan, 2021 09:08am

    This would be super useful :)

  • Fredrik Löfström commented
    13 Aug, 2020 09:13am

    This is very desirable.