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App possibility to get lowest/highest variant prices in the ProductSearch

We have a use case where different variants for a baseproduct can have different prices. Hence the customer wants display information as "Price from x sek". To get that information from graphQl in the current version you need to get all variants for each product search result and use this information to create the logic to know which price is the lowest price. Like the example below. This is very costly and takes a lot of time for categories that have many variants, and will take a lot of time to fetch in case there has been updates on the variant that makes them not be in the cache. We have experienced a lot of request timeouts when searching for products (browsing to a category) when the variants hasn't been in the cache due to updates.

If we instead could get properties on the Price node in at the top level that already has this information, the request would be a lot faster. Then we could leave out the call to the variants and only use the top level information.

variants {


nodes {

price {







Properies to add in the Price node in the top level could be

  • lowestPrice

  • highestPrice

  • hasSeveralVariants (i.e. there is more than one variant for the base product)

  • Niklas Eriksson
  • Dec 4 2024
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