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Pricelist management on Organization view

As a backoffice User I want to be able to View, Add and Replace Pricelist on the Organization "entity" in Litium.
(It could be in a seperate field or as a seperat tab in the Organization view.)

When viewing the Priclist I also want its Prio to show.

  • Andreas Häll
  • Sep 21 2020
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    • Admin
      Ludvig Block commented
      November 19, 2020 08:42

      Thank you Ludvig, this definetely clarifies the need, and confirms my previous view of the customer need. Thanks!

    • Ludvig Bergander commented
      November 18, 2020 16:48

      Hi Ludvig!

      That panel does not live up to the customer need, since it lacks overview, control and efficient administration when organisations are linked to many price lists and price lists are linked to many (in this case up to 1500) organisations.

      What we are asking for in this particular case is, based on these conditions, at least a clear overview and the possibility of administration based on the organisation. That is, for organisation X both see and administer the relation to their price lists. Today, it is not possible to know which price lists an organisation is linked to without going into each price list, which is unrealistic when you have a large number of organisations and price lists linked to each other.

      Countries panel has the interface and functionality we request for Organisations, when it comes to linking price lists to a country or vice versa. In addition to the Country UI, the priority needs to be displayed when administer Price lists on an Organisation.

      Did that give you better insight in the needs?


    • Admin
      Ludvig Block commented
      November 17, 2020 21:58
      Hi Andreas,
      You might have seen already that there is a possibility in the Products module to add Organizations to price lists. Just for our better understanding, could you please shortly describe in what way does the view you are asking for better support the user process?