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Automate day-to-day product tasks based on business rules via workflow

I would like to be to have the ability automate simple day-to-day management tasks, especially when data is updated by external systems.

I.e. we have a price-based rule that any item with a price above a certain amount should have the price hidden on in the shop. A value in a field "hide price" needs to be set to TRUE. Today we must do this manually. After every price update and/or new product creation, we must now a) check the specific workflow, b) export a file and c) update product data via import.

Other types of simples automations could be solved with such a function.

To solve it the Workflow engine could be expanded to include an option of updating a specific field with value when the criteria is met.

  • Guest
  • Aug 9 2024
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files