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Add ability to show block name in local blocks

For an editor when using blocks it is hard to distinguish the type of blocks from each other for example in primary navigation in the headless accelerator. Especially when working with nested blocks as you can lose track of where you are if you are 2-3 nested blocks down in the tree.

Global blocks can show its name (_name field) as a small text under the blocks template type. Which can be good for an editor to name the block to remember which block is which when editing.

It would be great to configure the block to always show its _name field regardless if it is a global block. As this could help the editor in more complex block structures as in the navigation block container.

  • Christian Norrman
  • May 11 2024
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Ludvig Block commented
    28 Jun 09:02

    This was shipped in 8.17 🎉

    See release notes.