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Promotional price from smart or simple list.

If we could add a promotional price into a smart or simple list, that list could be connected to a campaign to trigger temporary prices. This would save a lot of time not having to double or even triple working in some cases, since a list needs to be created even if the prices are set in the campaign already.

Like a mix of pricelist and simple/smart lists.

  • Jonas Olsson
  • Feb 20 2024
  • Not right now
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    • Jonas Olsson commented
      February 20, 2024 13:49

      Im thinking that there would be an additional, optional field for every product in the list where you could add a price.

      Our problem today is having to work with a pricelist rather than a simple or smart list. It's very time consuming to populate a pricelist with the correct products, either very manually product by product, or through excel export/imports. But the excel export is very limited when you try to make selections of what products to export.

      A second option is to add the option to populate a pricelist directly in BO just like you do when setting up a simple list.

    • Admin
      Ludvig Block commented
      February 20, 2024 13:27


      Thanks for the feedback!

      For this scenario, is the idea that all the products have the same price?
      What is the limitation in the "Discounted product price" that makes this discount less efficient for your scenario?