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Separate the Storefront API Dotnet Template from MVC Accelerator

The Storefront API template would be easier to work with if the clutter of the MVC Accelerator is removed. For example the ViewModelBuilders, Controllers, Views, etc.

Instead of having the Storefront API be a part of the MVC Accelerator it would be better if it was its own template. Especially since the React Accelerator cannot be setup without importing field definitions from the client when setting up the React Accelerator.

Today when modifying the field framework definitions on the backend. For example adding a block container on the website it overwrites the block containers that the field definitions from the React Accelerator added. Which requires a new import of the field definitions.

It would be nice to have the Storefront API template as an alternative which has all the required field definitions for the React Accelerator.

  • Christian Norrman
  • Oct 5 2023
  • Shipped
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  • Admin
    Ludvig Block commented
    09 Apr 12:56

    The best practice installation of the React accelerator no longer involves the MVC accelerator. It is instead based on a an empty web project.