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Possible to push channel connection to subpages and blocks in Litium CMS

When adding a new channel to a website it is a pain to go throug every page and every block on the whole website to connect them to the new channel.


if there isnt a export/import faeatur planned for the CMS it would be extremely helpfull if there was a featur to push a chnage to sub entities.


I dont mean that they should inherit the parent instead when saving you should have the option to push the current change to sub entities and their blocks.

  • Jonas Kastebo
  • Feb 6 2020
  • Not right now
  • Attach files
  • Artur O commented
    February 16, 2020 13:32

    This, so much this. 

    Now if you have 100+ pages you really need to go though each and every one when adding new channel
