
Give us your best ideas!

Import export to customer module

In cases where you dont have an customer integration to a ERP or in cases where you have a customer integration but you want to manually handle logins for eatch customer in litium it would be good to be able to import and export persons and organisations in litium customer module just like you do i products module. You absolutely want to be able to set customer number in this import alteast for new entities.



Personfields + addresses + organisationsmemberships + organisationsmembershipsroles + groupsmemberships


Organization import

Organizationfields + addresses.

  • Jonas Kastebo
  • Oct 15 2019
  • Not right now
  • Attach files
  • Ludvig Bergander commented
    22 Nov, 2024 12:15pm

    This one is still a relevant request. I have a project where admin now manually have to update 1500 customer users' roles on the person-organization relation. What is your advise on how to manage that without export/import or bulk edit feature?

  • Admin
    Ludvig Block commented
    27 Sep, 2022 08:45am


    As at now, this ability is not planned to be implemented.

  • Andreas Häll commented
    23 Sep, 2022 11:29am

    When could we even expect Litium to start consider this? Is it totally excluded this year and Q1/Q2 2022? Just so we know wheather to build a module of or own.

  • Andreas Häll commented
    18 May, 2022 09:06am

    Is this something you will start to consider?

  • Jonas Kastebo commented
    11 Oct, 2021 09:23am

    any updates on this since it doesn't look like this made it into the Litium 8 release?